Koziol Party Skewers

Koziol Party Skewers

Koziol Suction Toothbrush Holder

Koziol Suction Toothbrush Holder

Kitchens have a way of becoming a little messy over time. Okay, who are we kidding? They quickly become an unorganized storage space of unused items, drawers filled to the...

Kitchens have a way of becoming a little messy over time. Okay, who are we kidding? They quickly become an unorganized storage space of unused items, drawers filled to the brim with all sorts of odds and ends and unexpected scavenger hunts just to make a simple meal. Why not make organization a part of your household, without all the - well - painstakingly boring organization that’s typically involved? Doing so is a lot easier than you may think, especially when you have designers like Ora Ito on your side.

With the My Kitchen 5-piece Cookware Set with Stand, creating places for the utensils you use most is going to be a thing of the past. These ergonomically and gently designed pieces never leave you wondering where your family’s favourite cooking equipment has run off to. They are perfect for use with all sorts of pots and pans, thanks to their anti-scratch plastic and since they come with their very own holder, they’ll always have a place to call home. The stand base is just the right side to offer the stability you need, while the product clips hold your new utensils in place. No more losing your mind over making a delicious meal for the people you love most.

  • Extremely hygienic thanks to large protective stand base
  • Designed by Ora Ito
  • Comes with large spoon, spaghetti server, ladle, skimmer and slotted spatula
  • Made of anti-scratch plastic
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