When you think of Valentine’s Day, what comes to mind? Romantic cards, boxes of delicious candy, red roses, dinner at a fine restaurant? This is a special day of the year, where you have the opportunity to express your love for that special someone through sweet gifts and romantic outings. Trying to make everything perfect, you may go with the traditional customs which are associated with this special day. However, perhaps this is the year to break away from the norm and consider making Valentine’s Day unique. Below are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing and help you make this Valentine’s Day one that will not soon be forgotten.

Undivided Attention:

Whether we want to admit it or not, in this day in age, electronics play a huge role in our lives. Between texts, emails, social media, and other applications, we can easily find our time being slowly consumed by what is on our device. Oftentimes, we become so engrossed in our electronics, that the ones around us do not receive the attention they deserve. So, this Valentine’s Day, unplug. Turn off your computer, phone, tablet and anything else which may cause distractions and simply focus on spending time with your special someone. Instead of looking at your phone during dinner, engage your sweetheart in deep conversation. Ask them questions, and discuss things which are important to them, give them your undivided attention. Removing yourself from distractions and totally focusing on your sweetheart, will show them how much you truly care and will give you both a chance to bond and connect in ways which are impossible when cellphones are constantly going off.

A Simplistic Gift:

Gifts such as roses, candy and jewellery are wonderful ideas for your Valentine. But perhaps you are desiring to do something a little different, something which truly comes from the heart and expresses your feelings in a special way. Instead of going out and simply buying a gift, go for a more personal, heartfelt gift. Fill an empty jar with small love notes or words of encouragement to your Valentine which they can open every day. This simple gift gives you the opportunity to express, in your own words, how much your sweetheart means to you and in turn, allows them to enjoy your gift for many days to come.

Another simple, yet heartfelt gift, would be to create a small scrapbook, containing special pictures and memories of times you have spent together. While such a gift may not seem like much, it allows all your memories to be contained in one place and enjoyed always. If you would like to buy a gift, but still want to do things a little different, consider purchasing small gifts and wrapping them individually. As the day progresses, give your Valentine one gift to open at different increments or even strategically place them around your home, in the car, or even their work place. This unique way of giving gifts, allows your loved one to have small surprises awaiting them throughout the entire day.

A Day Off:

This idea is perfect for busy wives and moms who juggle so much on a daily basis. Between taking the kids to school, cooking meals, doing household chores and running errands, a woman can easily become worn out. This year for Valentine’s Day, give that special lady the day off. Allow her to simply put her feet up and take things easy. By relieving her of the household agenda for one day, you can give the love of your life time to rejuvenate and enjoy a little peace and quiet. Or perhaps you could simply take over the cooking, and pamper and spoil her with a romantic dinner for two. This special dinner not only allows her a night off, but also gives you the opportunity to show off your culinary ability and create something tasty for your lovely sweetheart.

Skip the Traditional Date:

 Naturally, you want to spend Valentine’s Day with that special someone and treat them not only to a gift but perhaps a special outing. While a candlelight dinner at the finest restaurant in town conjures up romantic connotations, perhaps it is time to think outside the box and make your special day a little less cliché. When planning your date, get creative! Recreate your first date by eating the same food, going to the same places and simply reminiscing about your favorite memories from that night. Another creative way to enjoy a simple, yet sweet date together, is to stay at home. Take the kids to grandma and grandpa’s and enjoy some time alone. Perhaps watch some of your favorite movies, cook a fun meal together, and just enjoy time away from the crowds and busyness which usually accompanies restaurants on Valentine’s Day.

If your sweetheart is a little more on the adventurous side, take advantage of that and enjoy an untraditional Valentine’s Day by going mountain climbing, skiing, camping or anything else which will get your adrenaline running. A fun outing like this is a great way to spend quality time with the one you love while taking on an adventure that will surely make for a memorable day.

No matter what your Valentine’s Day will entail, choose to express your love in your own special and unique way. Let your sweetheart genuinely know how much they mean to you. When you relay this in your own way, that is the best gift anyone could hope to receive.





The post Valentine’s Day Gifts from the Heart appeared first on Gifts with Style.

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